Massage Therapy

Massage is much more than a simple Luxury and relaxation. The benefits of massage can be but not limited to Decreasing pain, Improving range of motion, Reducing muscle soreness, Promote tissue regeneration, Relieving back pain, Reducing anxiety and stress, Boosting immune system and many more. We have licensed massage therapist that will meet you at your home or desired location. We will bring a massage table, and everything we would need for a successful massage session.You can choose to schedule a one time massage or speak with use about massage packages to schedule massage one time a month.

Stretch Recovery

would you like to benefit from assisted stretching to increase mobility, flexibility and range of motion. Increased flexibility means less stress on muscles during workouts and daily activities. A proper Stretch routine will promote improved breathing patterns helping you relax your mind and your body. Stretching increases blood supply throughout the body by increasing elasticity in muscles, joints, connective tissue and blood vessels. More circulation means more oxygen and nutrients. If this sounds like something you can benefit from connect us today to schedule a session.

Chair Massage

Gladiator Strong Fitness will bring relaxation and tranquility to your office space or residential community with chair massage. A licensed massage therapist will bring a massage chair, relaxing music and tranquil energy to relieve the stress and help your employees or members of your community unwind. During these 10-20 minute relaxation sessions our therapist will massage the neck, back and arms.The areas that typically carry the most tension after a long work day. Chair massage session are fully clothed as the massage therapist will use techniques to work over the clothing of client. You may hire a therapist for a one time retreat, Monthly resident or employee appreciation the frequency and duration is completely your choice.


Recovery Pricing

Massage Therapy

60 minute Session = $135

90 minute session = $175

Massage Therapy Packages

4 x 60 min sessions = $480

4x 90 min sessions = $640

Stretch Therapy

15 minute Session = $20*

30 minute Session = $65

60 minute Session = $85

*15 min stretch session will be a personal training add on. for individual service 30- 60 minute session only.

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