strength & weight training

Strength and weight training is important for your overall health and well-being but even more so when you're involved in sports and other highly physical activities. Whether training for a marathon, triathlon, basketball, football, or simply wish to improve your golf swing working with a trainer can give you the extra edge you need.

We'll design a program specific to your needs, taking into consideration the following factors: athlete's sport, age, and any imbalances or injuries. We use everything from free weights and kettle bells to TRX suspension systems. 

endurance training

Endurance is important in all sports and aerobic exercises, it’s what helps you go further, faster, and longer. Our trainers will work with you using a variety of techniques that will enable you to increase your endurance and impact your overall performance over time. Your training will be customized based on your needs and activities taking the following into consideration: agility, strength, speed, and balance.

Acceleration training

Speed is an important factor in many sports. Acceleration Training will help you move with efficiency, make you more fluid in your movements and will give you an edge over your opponents. Improve your speed on the football, in the swimming pool or at the driving range.

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football combine training

Improve your combine performance, strength, stamina and overall conditioning by training with Gladiator Strong Fitness. A GSF trainer can help you increase the power you’ll need for the vertical jump, improve your overall speed which you’ll need for the 40-yard dash, as well as add velocity to your pro-agility test. training for the combine is a great way to ensure you impress the coaches and scouts who will be evaluating your performance.

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